Friday, January 25, 2008

Where is the mute button?

Vincent is a cutie. His little face is round, his cheeks are chubby. He is short in stature but very robust. He has a way of smiling that I like to call, "the shit eating grin". You just know he's going to get into something. There is a reason he is so cute. It is to keep me from killing him when he starts up with the tantrums.

He throws tantrums for anything and everything. If Logan touches him, he cries. If Arwen plays with his toys, he cries. If he doesn't get his way, he cries. When he wakes from his naps, he cries. The best fits are those in which he screams (this shrill, blood curling shrieks) over and over while throwing himself onto the floor. He will thrash his legs and arms.

I used to deal with this by simply ignoring him. But recently he will throw his little episodes for up to 20 minutes at a time (and will begin throwing objects around) and I can't deal with that anymore (and neither can Annabel, Arwen or Logan). So I've started placing him in a different room, on the couch. This way he can yell to his hearts delight and we don't have to suffer.

So far it's not worked that great. He continues to scream and cry. His school teachers (he goes part-time for speech) have been dealing with this issue in class as well. We've spoken about it and they assure me to remain firm and we will see progress. I keep remaining firm and he keeps a screaming. Like right now for instance...

Why don't children come with a mute button??