Sunday, January 20, 2008


I was over at Bun in the Oven and she was talking about the blogging community. She mentioned something I do all the time. I'll have something happen in my life and immediately think, "that's going in my next blog", or "that's so blogworthy".

How many of you've done this? I can mention some things I never did blog about but almost did, here are a few off the top of my head:

The time I got the answer right on "Are you smarter than a 5th grader". The question was math and I got it right, Jimbo got it wrong. And he has a masters in engineering. I ran around the room, dancing and saying over and over, "who's your Daddy?"

The time I had a gargantuan booger on my nose and went the entire day (my husband was home now) walking around with it until my daughter got home from her Meme's and said, "Mommy what's on your face?" Thanks babe.

When I'd just given birth to Annabel and I got my first shower. I was so out of it I couldn't understand why the lotion wouldn't rub in and was so thick and strong smelling. I discovered the next day that was due to it being body wash. I'm sure people avoided my room as I'm sure I stank.

The day I walked out of Wal-Mart and found q-tips that were under the baby seat. I stood and debated on what to do. Pull all of the kids out of the car and go back inside? Pay for it or drop it off? Leave it in the cart? Or just say to hell with the dollar and keep it.

Or getting hit on by the guy who claimed he was married with a 2 year old and was just looking for a friend. Yeah right buddy.


Erin said...

I do that to, but 95% of the time I never get around to blogging about it. My only computer time really is at work and I don't always have a whole lot of extra time at work either.