Monday, January 7, 2008

Sleepless Nights and H. Pylori

I'm destined to carry these dark bags under my eyes. I cannot seem to get more than 4-6 hours of sleep a night, ever.

Last night we hit the sack late. Jimbo spent most of the night debating with an idiot (another long story) and it had him so riled up (and me in turn because Jimbo was pissy) that we each tossed and turned. It figures on a night Annabel settles in nursing beside me we can't rest.

I fell asleep around 12:45 or so, I don't actually know for sure. But I awoke to a cry and Logan running into our room. He held his hand out and motioned that it hurt. I assume his hand was asleep so I kissed it. Suddenly he jumped into our bed, intent on sleeping with us. Poor guy, since our bed can only hold one child at a time and Annabel was filling the slot, I have to lead him gently back to his own room and bed. Jimbo got him a drink and we tucked him in.

Then Vincent wakes. His eczema was itchy and he began to scratch so I got his ointment and started to lube him up. When I finished Jimbo and I crawled into bed, I just drifted off when I heard it, the boys were playing.

Long story short, boys were up and down all night. We finally got up to start our day and I'm totally dragging ass. Which reminds me. My blood work is back. I have Helicobacter Pylori. I read up on it and cringed inside. This stuff sounds so disgusting, it made me puke in my mouth a little. I've never even heard of it before.

So hopefully I can get started on a antibiotic (has to be safe for nursing) and get myself back to feeling human. In the meantime I'll try really hard not to think about the bacteria that is living in my stomach.



Erin said...

It said up to 2/3 of people have I'm creeped out! What are the symptoms?? I couldn't really find much in that article... what made them think to test for that?

Jaime said...

Hey Erin ;)

Pretty much the "warmth" I was complaining of and the nausea, etc. So they tested for it.

It does sound gross though, doesn't it? yuck!

Katherine said...

As gross as it sounds, at least it seems like a fairly easy solution! (No surgery, and you can cure it!)