Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A sick child isn't just a sick child...

Not when they are autistic anyway. Logan started coughing early yesterday morning and continued well into the day. By the time I arrived home from the doctor he was full blown and we quickly administered a breathing treatment and tylenol for his temp.

Throughout the night he was up and down. He cried and fought (as is the norm) when getting his breathing treatment again and he didn't settle in to sleep until 3-4am. I got up and helped Arwen get dressed, packed her lunch, kissed her goodbye, emailed her teacher, got Vincent settled (he'd just woken) and the Logan was up.

He's been cranky all day, saying "tummy hurt" over and over. He's not coughing as much but it breaks my heart because I don't know what exactly is wrong. I can't ask Logan simple things like, "where does it hurt? Do you feel better? Do you feel like you might throw up?" All I get is a smile from him or he will refuse to make eye contact with me. It's very frustrating at times.

Right now he's upstairs for his nap but I hear he and Vincent playing around on the radio. I guess I should get off my rear and put them back into bed.