Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dear Pimples

Dear Pimples,

I remember vividly being 15 years old and my Mother telling me, "they will go away, you won't get them when you are older." I didn't totally believe her though. I just didn't have the heart to ask why she still got pimples once in a blue moon.

I guess I should have listened to my gut. I realize now my Mother didn't want to impart of me life's cruel truth, that pimples are forever. I've been lucky, my face has been pimple free and glowing. But just the other day I started to feel a bit odd and thought maybe a monthly visitor had returned. If only this had been the case.

Nope. On my face today is a little crater that has the capacity to ruin my day. It's waiting just below the surface and I'm forced to wait and see if said bump will make a quick visit or ruin any and all pictures I take with the children in the next month. You see, I scar easily. Even if I don't touch said pimple it will leave a nice red mark for at least a few weeks after the fact.

So please, find a teenage adolescent to visit. Mom's like myself have enough stress without pimples on top of it.




Erin said...

I still battle pimples. They make me so self-conscious! I hate it...