Sunday, January 13, 2008


So, I was over at Littlesunshine's blog and she had THIS entry. It reminded me of something that happened when I was getting my hair done Friday.

As I sat waiting for the color in my hair to develop a girl walked in. Nothing was particularly different about her, but I could sense in the way she carried herself she was bitchy. She interrupted my stylist (who was talking to me) and said she needed her eyebrows done. So off Niki went with the girl.

When they came out the girls eyes were RED. It was scary. But in an effort to be nice and strike up a conversation with Niki I said:

"I've never had my eyebrows done, I really should some day."

The girl looked at me and if looks could kill, I'd be 6 feet under right now. She dug through her pockets and paid and out the door she went. No thank you to Niki or see you again, nada. Niki watched as she walked to her car, a brand new Mercedes.

"She's driving a Mercedes now??" Niki seemed shocked.

"It's probably not hers," the other stylist (I don't' know her name) said.

Niki shook her head so I asked, what's the deal?

Apparently this girl is very spoiled. So much so that all of the salons in our area know her and dislike her. This of course doesn't bode well for her, since she is going to school be a stylist (good luck finding a job sister). Once she went to a salon and forked over hundred for extensions. Too bad for her they used synthetic hair and GLUED them into her scalp. She rushed to Niki and demanded she take them out but Niki declined. Telling her to return to the salon who put them in instead.

You know what the girl did when Niki said no? She went outside into the Salon parking lot, called her Mother and proceeded to yell, scream and throw a tantrum. Niki said her Mother then called Niki in an effort to sway her and Niki held her ground. She explained she refused to be liable for any damage caused (I don't blame her for smelling lawsuit with this girl).

All of this got me to thinking about "those" girls. The ones I never spoke to in high school because they were so much better than everyone else. You know who I mean. The ones who always had the nice clothes and purses, the ones who drove the nice cars and the ones who always seemed a mite bitchy all the time.

I've bumped into a few of them since then. Some have changed for the better. I'm guessing gaining weight and having children have brought them down to earth, in a good way. However, I've bumped into a few that are still the exact same. Acting as if they are so much better than myself and I should thank my lucky stars they are even speaking to me.

It's truly funny how I've changed as a person. Because in high school I wanted to be those girls. I wanted the nice clothes, beautiful face and body. I wanted to drive a nice car, have all the cute boys like me and to wear someones class ring. But now I see those girls and I feel sorry for them. Because all they know is material wealth and the happiness they experience from it.

Which reminds me. I've got a great experience I'll write about later. I decided to try shopping at Target this week instead of Hell-Mart. It was say the least. I'll tell you all about it next time.


Tania said...

I knew one extreme case of a spoiled brat. She would buy clothes and wear them once before giving them away! The problem with those people is that they are never happy with what the have....they just want more. So sometimes I feel sorry for them, but other times they make me so mad!

Spook, RN said...

I must say that I'm truly lucky that I've had experiences with two halves of the same side - the folks who had the moolah and didn't have a clue versus the folks who had the moolah but were decent and nice.

I had a hard time during my teen years. I'd always end up being the "good enough to be a good friend but nothing more" type.

And I used to feel bad about it. I had major 'self esteem and confidence' issues. My self confidence, already low; plumbed new deapths...

.... till I realized that I was being an idiot. How can others find you attractive if you don't find you don't fin yourself to be attractive?

I started to realize: I'm a pretty cool dude and if folks don't see it, well; their loss! :-)

Once I started recognizing this, the whole world exploded! Suddenly I found myself re-evaluating some of my so called "friendships". I put an end to the ones simply taking an advantage of my sympathetic nature. I sought out those who shared similar interests or just gave off a vibe. I got over myself and approached ladies - worse they can do is reject me, right [and remember, it's their loss! ;-)]??

I'm now happy.
I'm single - but I'm not too hung up about it.
I don't make millions but I know that all of life's happiness isn't material in nature.
I don't always get my way but I realize that failure is just another term for "lesson to be learned".
I'm conscious about myself, my appearance... but I don't let it rule over my intellect, my dignity.
I choose to be different. Hey, how many kids do you know who listen to jazz and rock/blues from the 60s/70s, wear a Fedora as part of their attire - and adhere to hat etiquette while doing so - carry a mechanical pocket watch and wears their suits '3 piece and double breasted' ??

I choose to be different because I can. Because it's who I am - and I'm not afraid nor embarrassed about it.

Superficial people don't get my scorn - they get a smidgen of my pity.