Wednesday, December 5, 2007

To your Health part deux

I've noticed something sort of funny recently. After checking how people come across my site I found I have at least a couple of people daily that find me while searching for "To your Health". I wrote the blog To Your Health some time ago and described the problems I was having as well as steps I decided to take to get better.

Then it hit me, perhaps some of the people that visited me are wondering how I'm doing now. Or maybe not but still, I figured I'd take a moment to let you in on exactly how I'm doing nowadays.

First, the gallbladder. I'm doing very well post surgery. I'm moving around fine, no huge changes there. I do have to watch my food intake as it goes straight through my system. I have a problem with milky or fatty foods and I know better than to eat out unless I don't care about being stuck in a public restroom. I am experiencing pain in the area my gallbladder once was and have made a call to my surgeon, when he calls me back I'll better know if this is normal or not (sharp, painful, stabbing pains).

Second, my hyperthyroidism. The numbers are rising closer to normal. My family doctor has decided to withhold giving me thyroid medications just yet. He wants to see if things will return to normal. He's worried if he starts me on medications I'll be on them for the rest of my life. That is currently a "wait and see" project. Sadly, this illness causes several problems and I deal with many of them. The heart racing, nervousness and such are daily occurrences and I honestly hate those the worst of all.

Third, my IBS. This is unfortunately no better. I still spend large amounts of time on my throne. Without going too much into it, I can't start medications for this until Annabel is older.

Fourth, god awful migraines. They are still here and sometimes worse than ever. I've been to the neurologist and can't take many of the medications that worked so well in the past. So currently I have narcotics I take on days when it's all too much and I sleep it off. I'm hopeful that as soon as I can return my my regimen of Toradol (imho the best medication in the world!) shots bi-weekly I'll be back to normal. I also suffer from TMJ which also is a component of my migraine severity and frequency. I have an appointment with my dentist to see what (if any) devices will help.

and lastly, my bersitis. This is an issue that comes and goes. There isn't a lot I can do about it but since it's winter, my hip continues to be a problem with all our stairs. I have days when I refuse to climb up the stairs or down. The only thing that will help with this is an anti-inflammatory medication and I can't take that and nurse Annabel. So please keep those fingers crossed for me so I can continue to nurse and not be in too much pain while doing so.

So there you have it. I'm doing much better, thank you. I'm happy to say I've lost all my baby weight and have been nursing the baby without any setbacks. Now I just need to get my lazy behind up and working out again. I know I need to but after running kids all day I'm just too exhausted. Isn't kid wrangling considered aerobic exercise??


Erin said...

I'm glad you're doing better. And you give me hope that the health problems I have won't keep me from having as many children as I'd like :)

And kid wrangling is totally exercise! That's how I lost all my baby weight and then some!(and got my big arm muscles LOL)

Jaime said...

LOL!! Who needs free weights when you have toddlers?