Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Jamie Lynn Spears

I initially heard the news of her pregnancy yesterday. Then today I saw THIS article splashed on the front page of

I'll confess, the first thing I thought was, "the apple doesn't fall far from that old tree does it?" I mean, look at her sister. This is definitely a dis functional family. But then something happened, I took a good and hard look at myself and I was ashamed.

People really shouldn't be so quick to judge this young lady, not yet anyway. I'm not positive but I imagine she didn't intend to become pregnant at the tender age of 16. Instead I believe she fell in love and did what many young girls do, she engaged in sexual intercourse. People are delusional if they think that girls don't do this. Even those who appear on Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel.

As for me, I'm holding off on saying anything negative about her. Not just yet. I want to see how she handles herself now that she has a responsibility to this child she is carrying. For me it's just not about what you've done but more of how you handle yourself afterward that counts.

And for all of those demanding her show be cancelled and talking trash about her, I'd like to add this. You never know if that could be your daughter one day. No Mother ever dreams her child will be "that" child. Hell, I never imagined my own sister would become a teenage Mom. But she did and we supported her and I wouldn't trade my beautiful niece for the world.


Erin said...

I just think it's such a shame that she had everything going for her, including her own really popular TV show, and then this happens. I know she didn't mean it to happen, but where was the birth control? And that's saying a lot, seeing as how my daughter was completely unplanned... as a teen I made sure I took my pill every single day, and we were careful in other ways as well(I dated the guy for 2 years before I met my husband)...when we got pg with Hailey I had gone off the pill, we were just using other means of protection. It was just such a shocker to hear about Jamie Lynne, when she's always been the "good kid"...I don't think this makes her a bad kid, I just hate that her career is probably ruined because of a little mistake she probably could have prevented. She's only 16!

I say she "probably" could have prevented because we don't know the older sister had her first baby at 16, her second at 17 and her 3rd when she was 20. All while on various forms of birth control including the shot! So maybe she was protected and it still happened, we don't know...

My best friend had her 1st little girl when she was 16 too...although she later admitted to me they planned her. Course they've been happily married for 5 years now and have another beautiful daughter(2 years old), and are trying for a 3rd. :o)

Jaime said...

Hey Erin ;)

I suppose I defend her because with Vincent and Annabel I was on the pill and got pregnant.

In fact, I was 8 weeks along with Annabel and kept wondering why I felt so bad, I had no clue I was carrying.

She may have done something silly and might not have been smart about it. I suppose I just want to give her the benefit of the doubt because she does seem like a "good kid" if that makes any sense.

I'll have to wait and see, I might be putting my foot into my mouth on this one.

Spook, RN said...

Irregardless (yes, I know it's not an "approved word") of it all -

To me it boils down to simplicity:
The whole "publicity" surrounding it.

Why is it suddenly anybodys business that Britney Spear's kid sister is pregnant?

Shouldn't that be an issue for the Spears family and for the Spears family alone?

I'm not trying to be an "apologetic" for the Spears family - I'm just trying to think of it in terms of "what would I do if that were my daughter in the news" type....