Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

While Christmas is officially not here yet, I wanted to take a moment and wish everyone one as I'm not sure when I'll get to sit at this screen again.

For everyone, I hope you have a holiday that fills you with joy and happiness. Please take a moment to think of those who might be a bit sad this year. Be it because a family member is away serving our country (you are in my thoughts ERnursey) or because someone is no longer with us(Susan and family, as always, you are in my heart).

Merry Christmas, with all my love.


Spook, RN said...

I wish you and your family (especially your kids!) a most momentous, joyous, happy Christmas and a prosperous, bountiful New Year.

May we all see Peace amongst all humankind this coming year.

Anonymous said...

I agree Dennis is a great actor. I almost wish that he and Kurt would do another movie together but not BTILC 2. I'd literally cry if they made a sequel or remake to that film.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you very much for your comment on the Production Blog.