Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Am I taking this wrong?

My Mother loves to tell me how much others say my children look just like her. One time she bumped into a cousin with Arwen and told me 7 times (I'm not joking) the same story over and over.

"She said, Oh Marilyn! She is the spitting imagine of you! She looks just like you, she is YOU made over."

Finally, the seventh and final (thank god) time I said, "Mom, you've told me that 7 times now you know, right?" and my Mom gives me this evil sneer.

"Yes, does it bother you?"


Then today she asked me to email her pictures of the children so I do and guess what?



"Hey! Guess what? I forwarded those pictures to my friend *name here* and she said, oh my god, those children are the very image of you! you can tell they are yours!" My Mom gives a shrill laugh. "I said to her, really?? You think so!?!"

I sat in silence, starting to fume.

"Ok, that's great Mom but I have to start dinner. I'll call you later ok?"

"Ok, I just wanted to tell you."

So, would it bother you if someone in your family did this? It's not just about her looking like my children, it's the fact that with other people she likes to act as if it's her child, not grandchild. If I decide to take the children to get photo's done she decides she has to go, because SHE has to get pictures taken with them too (and I'm not invited, it's HER picture with HER grand babies).

Maybe I'm being too bitchy today and need to chill. Maybe it's due to recent events.

In case you read this Mom, I love you but you drive me nucking futs.


Kristin said...

I have been really crappy about commenting on blogs recently, but I just had to comment on this.

This would drive me up the wall & back down the other side. In fact, I get really irritated for you just reading about it!

It sounds like it's her personality & nothing you say might change that. Which sucks.

Jaime said...

Hey Kristin,

I know you had Mother in Law issues and hoped you'd see this and comment.

I'm really relieved to find out I'm not alone in my peeve. It truly drives me nuts!

Thank You!

Erin said...

Ok this would drive me INSANE.

My dad does something along those lines... Hailey was born with black hair. It's now so blonde it's almost white. My husband had white hair as a kid(now it's light brown). But every single time we're around my dad he makes the comment "You know she gets that blond hair from the L side of the family(his grandparents) and your Grandpa J (who he doesn't know was NOT my mom's real dad)" He says this even in front of my husband. Every single time I remind him "You know dad, D had white hair when he was a little boy, so she got it from him...and the same thing happened to our nephew W, who's D's brother's son..." And every time, my dad changes the subject. Drives me NUTS. She got her traits from my husband and I. Period!

Jaime said...

Hey Erin,

It drives me nuts too. I'm glad it's not just me! ;)