Monday, November 19, 2007

Waffle Surprise!

Blueberry Waffles with butter and maple syrup. I made them this morning for myself and little wee man. I did mine first and his second so they would be warm for him. After the butter I cut the waffles into little peices and drizzled on the syrup.

I came down and sat the bowl on the table and told him I'd be back. I hurried upstairs to get mine but was stopped by the phone.

5 minutes later I finally arrive downstairs with my food and as I'm about to take a bite I notice Vin mans bowl is nowhere in sight.

"Are you done?" I ask and stand and begin searching the room.

"Dee Daa Dee Daaa, mess!" he says.

"Hmm, ok, are you finish? Done? Want more?" I ask.

"Dee Daa, Mess! Mommy!" he claps his hand at me.

"Where is the bowl? Bowl? Show Mommy please."

He stands up and takes off running to his Cars riding toy. I suddenly know exactly where the bowl is. He runs to the toy and throws up the seat. Nestled inside is the empty bowl.

"Bowl!" he claps his hands and I smile and reach inside. Then I see it. At the bottom are all the tiny peices I'd just cut minutes before.

"All done Mommy!" and just like that, he's off.