Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Today I read an This entry by Will's Dad. I instantly felt ashamed for my rant about something as non-important as nail polish. I then had to remind myself it is only human to vent. But in an effort to move on and pass his wonderful message forward, I'm blogging again while the boys nap.

During the holidays some families have a set routine and gathering, others don't. I'll be honest, I've never much put thought into just how much you should cherish each gathering with your loved ones. I've always thought I'd just see that person next year, isn't that the normal way of thinking for most?

But families that have family members with terminal illnesses don't have this luxury. Each day is precious. Each holiday might be the last one celebrated in their presence. These families truly appreciate just how sacred time shared with your loved ones is.

On this Thanksgiving, I'd like to ask that each of you enjoy your family. Spread kisses and hugs and words of love to them and make sure they know just how much having this day with them means. Take it all in, absorb the memories into your mind and heart.

Remember, tomorrow is never promised.


Erin said...

The year before my grandma died from breast cancer we lived in Kansas. We tried to make it back but it was snowing so bad the highways were even un-usable and we had to turn around and go home...our first Christmas in all my 15(at that time) years of life that we hadn't been with our family. My grandma cooked her usual huge meal, and my aunts and uncles who live in the SAME TOWN as her didn't come. She was alone with all that food on Christmas day. We saw her a week later when we were finally able to make it down, and then that summer she died. Christmas was always special to my grandma and I. I helped her decorate her tree EVERY year. I didn't get to that year. That Christmas will forever haunt me, and it still makes me cry to this day to think about it.

I wanted to yell at my family the same things you said in your post. They should have cherished that last Christmas with her, they were able to be at her house when we weren't...

I've always been like that though for some reason...I've always felt like I needed to enjoy every little minute I can because it might be the last. Maybe I'm just odd? Sure makes me appreciate my family though :o)