Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Sabrina and Mark Petition!

I've had time to cool off but I can say I got little sleep. When I woke I checked the ABC message boards and it appears I am not alone. There are online petitions to bring Mark and Sabrina back, fans are outraged.

I realize some will say "vote if you want your favorite to stay" but what if it's not that simple? I know I had problems voting online and have read similar things from other people. How can that not be taken into consideration for a show that is viewer and fan based? Isn't it apparent from the booing audience, petitions galore and letters to ABC that something doesn't fit?

In an effort not to offend fans of other dancers I will try to put this as eloquently as possible. Does anyone truly believe that Jane Seymour or Marie Osmond are better dancers than the rest of the competition on the show? Sabrina and Mark aside, look at those two women compared to the other contestants. (and please ladies, stop pulling the age card, you knew how old you were when you agreed to do the show.)

There are several petitions but here are two I signed. Please, if you agree with me or had issues in voting yourself, go sign the petition. Or if you're just super sweet go sign it for me! Here

And for these you need to be registered on the ABC forums. Here and Here.