Thursday, October 11, 2007


It hit me today. The anniversary of the day I married the love of my life is coming up. My oh my how time flies. It seems like only a few months ago we decided to risk our friendship in hopes of something bigger and better. I still remember our very first kiss, the very first time we went out on a date as a couple and the very first time I told him I love him.

Remembering these good things helps out immensely. We've hit a bit of a rough patch these last few weeks. He's worn thin from all my medical problems and it's understandable. He picks up all my slack and runs the household and pays the bills. It would be enough to drive any man crazy. But through it all he still has that hold on me and our children. We are all drawn to him and the comfort and security he radiates.

So on the eve (we still have a couple of weeks yet) of our anniversary I am thankful. Reminding myself that he is here, he is ours and not that he forgot to run the dishwasher or didn't pick his dirty clothes off the floor. That is what counts and that is what is most important.