After months of fear, nervousness and sheer worry our family has welcomed a healthy baby girl into the fold. Annabel was born on July 20th and weighed 7lbs 13oz and is 20 inches long. She has no symptoms of being diabetic and her thyroid functions perfectly. She is everything a parent could want and prays for. We are so thrilled that she is here and doing well.
The birth was difficult. I was induced 3 weeks early due to being dialted between 4-5 and 50% effaced. Since we live an hour from the nearest hospital, I went in that morning and got all set up. My IV was started, water broken and pitocin pushed, followed afterward by my epidural. Then things started to go downhill. I started feeling like my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Since I have anxiety attacks I assumed that was what I was experiencing...until my nurse came rushing into the room to check my moniter. She immediately asked me to lay on my left side. Jimbo nervously stood nervously at my side and held my hand. I was somewhat out of it from the phenegren and nubain I was given but each time I looked at his face I could tell something wasn't right. His face stayed glued to my moniters.
I found out my heart rate was increasing from 70-80 all the way to 120-130 in the course of 30 seconds to a minute. Meanwhile Annabels heart rate was decreasing with dipping variables. After a few minutes I was given an oxygen mask and told to keep it on and was flipped from side to side. I then began to shake violently. I couldn't stop for the life of me. I started to get really frightened. Jimbo tried to hold it together but I could tell he was worried as well. Thankfully increasing my pitocian worked and Annabel came quickly after. Two pushes and she entered the world.
.I also experienced some problems with my tubal. I was never really told what to expect from the procedure. At the beginning I was told by my OB that I could have the tubal done directly after the delivery and that they could do this while I was still on the epidural medications. This didn't happen however and I found myself scheduled for surgery the next day. I was extremely nervous and months of worry caused me to have a breakdown that very morning. The RN that was to give me my IV (they had to remove the one I already have due to it pulling and causing major discomfort) wouldn't listen to me when I told her repeatedly that my veins roll and she would blow the ones on my hand. Instead she picked the exact one I told her would blow (in her words "that vein is so juicy") and proceeded to do just that. I suppose given all the stress built up a meltdown was bound to happen sooner or later and a little something like a blown vein was all it took. I tried to fight the tears but the more I tried the worse it became. The nurse hurried out of my room and went in search of my delivery nurse. They discussed at length if I was certain I wanted to go through with the ligation. They worried I was forcing myself to have the procedure and that was causing my distress. After I explained the huge amount of stress I'd experienced the last few months and just how certain I was about the tubal, I was given ativan to calm my nerves and went ahead with the procedure.
I awoke to pain and tons of it. I can't recall too much, just my husband stroking my hair, pain filled darkness and my nurse telling me more than once "Jaime, take a deep breath". (I found out later they gave me 3 doses of morphine for pain and had to stop and give me diluted because I started to have low respirations) Eventually I was carted on a bed and moved back to my room. I'm still trying to recover from the surgery and I'd like to take a moment to encourage all my fellow women out there...if your doctor asks if you'd like the Laparoscopy or the mini Laparotomy go with the Laparoscopy. I got the mini and it's so painful it's not even funny and it takes a couple of weeks (at least) to recover fully.
So now we are home. I'll be blogging from time to time about some of my medical junk since I still have a thyroid to fix but mostly I'm going to attempt to get back on track and blog about my family. There is so much going on here and so much to keep up with. Arwen starts kindergarden, Logan starts attending his special needs school full time. Jimbo will be dropping off Arwen and picking her up while I will drag Annabel and Vincent out with me to take Logan to and from his program. I'm sure it sounds much easier than it will actually be.
On a side note, be sure to check back often. Jimbo and I recently went to Arwen's parent/kindergarden orientation and it was interesting to say the least. I can already feel that tension I've read about between parents on other blogs. Every person I tried to talk to either looked at me like I had no teeth or gave a fake smile before turning and walking away. I'm not sure if it's because we are younger than most the parents there or if it's because we are not members of the parish. One thing is for sure, I always said I'd never let it bother me like it bothers other Mom's (from other blogs I've read) but I have to admit once you're standing in that's hard not to let it bother you.
Will we fit in with the "cool" parents? You'll have to check back and see.
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