Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tacky Spelling

When Dean McDermott's ex-wife, Toronto TV personality Mary Jo Eustace decided to write a memoir of her life during and after the hell of divorce in the public eye, Tori Spelling lashed out saying:
"It's opportunistic and undignified that she would want to exploit her former marriage for monetary gain. We only wish her the very best."
Does anyone else but me find Tori Spelling's new tell-all book to be a bit hypocritical in light of that comment and also...well...tacky? I've never been a huge Tori fan, she always looked fake and plastic to me. Of course I heard about her here and there in the news, especially when she had an affair that ended her marriage and the marriage of her now husband (who left behind a wife of 12 years and 2 children, the youngest 10 months old at the time).
I thought she'd caused enough damage but I suppose she just loves throwing those punches. I was sickened to read her comments on her affair, waking up with Dean the next morning with zero regrets. She even mentions she was instantly attracted to Dean but saw his wedding ring and him showing pictures around of his children the day they met.
These two need to step out of the little bubble they are floating around in and think about those kids Dean decided to leave behind. I have zero respect for this man as a Father. Sure, I can buy he fell in love with another woman but his actions after the fact have made him look like a total asshole and dead beat. Why couldn't he have told his wife, made the transition easier for his children and not made comments to the press like:
"I've never had as much of a desire to get married and make a woman my wife as I've had with her. The feeling is overwhelming. We're soul mates."
What a gentleman! As for Tori, I hope she gets a taste of how it feels. I'd like to see Dean step out on her with someone else he falls in love with. Wouldn't that be poetic justice?
**My local DSL provider insists "nothing is wrong" with the service. Yet I can't upload pictures and the screen loads like it's on dial-up. Sorry too Erin, I had to completely re-do this entry because the fracking blogger is being annoying today and won't cooperate.