Jimbo has it, so does Arwen and Vincent. That means 1/2 of the house has the flu. We have fever, coughs, and upset tummies.
I hope I don't get this, I can't afford to. Not with Jimbo sick. Arwen has been in bed ALL day. In fact, she hasn't left her room other than to go to the bathroom (and she had an accident earlier, if that is any indication of how bad this is). Vincent isn't there yet but he has held a 101+ fever most of the day. Both are on tylenol every 4 hours and round the clock liquids.
I did manage to make it to see the Neuro today. It wasn't pleasant at all. They performed a Nerve Conduction Study on my left arm and leg. It lasted about 20 minutes and by the end I kept asking, "are you almost done??" I knew being shocked intentionally wouldn't be fun but I didn't realize just how painful it can become once done over and over and over...
Good news, the tests came back ok and I didn't have to have the Electromyography but I did have to have blood work done. She is afraid my hyperthyroidism has returned along with my B12 deficency. So after being shocked several times I then got stuck. Let's hope the blood results give some insight on why I've been ill.
I return in 8 weeks (if nothing shows on the blood work) and she also wants me to consider a biopsy on the tiny little lump in my neck (I've had it for years, it would just be to "be sure"). I'm trying to keep positive but it's becoming harder and harder.
I need a vacation...
you DO need a vacation, poor girl! hope your sick family gets well asap.
Oh my, I'd say you do need a vacation!! I hope everybody in the house recovers quickly and nobody else gets it.
I had to have one of those shock tests done on my arm/shoulder quite a few years back. Not the funnest things in the world are they :( Hopefully they find out what's wrong soon.
Wow Jaime... you do need a vacation. And one that involves you laying on the beach... ALONE! LOL Wouldn't that be nice. Hang in there girl! **hug**
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