Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Get a Job

As I changed Vincent a common thought crossed my mind. The one thing I will not miss when my children are grown is staring at tiny little bums while doing a diaper change (I'm trying not to make anyone I'll keep it PG). As gross as it is, it's just a part of being a Mom, just like everything else in my too full days.

No matter how much I get done in a day, there is still more to finish tomorrow. I'm constantly struggling to keep laundry done, food cooked and children clean. I have beds to make, dishes to wash and floors to sweep/mop or vacume. It's tiring, endless and at times can be downright depressing.

The reason I'm blogging about this I suppose is I'm still peeved we didn't get to claim Arwen's school on our taxes. Why you ask?

Because I don't work and to claim the money we spent each parent has to have "gainful employment" that is least "part-time".

You see, for all I do each and everyday, I don't have a "job". Nope. At least not one the government recognizes. This is what is wrong with our country. While I realize there are people that abuse the system, I am not one of them. I get up each morning and see 2 of my children off to school (on Tuesday and Thursday I see 3, one off 1/2 the day for speech). I then spend the morning doing chores, taking care of bills or making appointments. I rush to shower to pick up my youngest or if he doesn't have speech that day, we spend the time rotating from various things around the house. When Logan gets home I begin the evening task or preparing dinner, setting the table and then Jimbo and Arwen arrive and we all eat.

After this begins the baths, the grooming, then homework. Then we do family time before putting the children to bed. Afterward I pick up what I might have missed or am trying to catch up only to start all over the next day. Just throw in grocery shopping every other week, trips to the Doctor for the children or myself and it's a non-stop life. And I don't get paid vacations or sick days. If I get sick, bully for me.

And this is a good day I'm describing. I'm not telling you about the days when 1 or more of the children are ill, so am I. The bills are behind, the house is destroyed, the car isn't running, the children are fighting, my daughter is in trouble for this or that reason, the baby is cranky, Logan's asthma is in full swing, Vincent is whiny and I've had exactly 4 hours of sleep the night before. I can't even begin to tell you about the days that just make me crawl into a dark corner a hide until my husband arrives home to shelter my mental health.

So yeah, technically, I don't have a job. At least not one that pays in cash. But I'm building the future of our country, shouldn't that count for something? Hell, I'd just settle for claiming my daughter's school on my taxes.


Anonymous said...

Amen Sista!!!!You describe our days beautifully!
I can't believe you can't claim Arwen's school! In Canada working mom's can claim daycare and SAHM's get to be claimed under there spouse, reeping some small reward. Which is still only a small percentage of what was taken away from my hard working husband in the form of "taxes" in the first place.
That's really rotten you can't claim it! Damn government...

Katherine said...

We were told we could only claim the after care and not the school expense. We could for pre-school, but not Kindergarten.

This is for Federal, not state...